Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Negative Character Traits

I'm afraid to check off which ones I have....
How about you?
Hmmmmmm, maybe there is some work to do?

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Where Are You Going?

           Who hasn’t seen a dog chasing its tail? It’s a humorous thing to watch as they run in repeated circles trying to catch that elusive tail. Then, when they have caught it, what happens? In a word—nothing, because they realize that the tail is just a part of them.
We humans have been known chase our tails, figuratively, haven’t we? We call it chasing circles. Sometimes we go in circles so much that it seems as if we are in a spiral—a downward spiral. It doesn’t feel good, because we come to sense that there is no way out. Like that dog chasing his tail, all of our focus is on what it is that we are chasing and why we are chasing it. We are simply chasing the wrong things.
Our lives aren’t meant to be that way. We weren’t born to be like that. Chasing circles is something that we do to ourselves. The circles we chase are not dictated by our circumstances. It is extremely hard to find any joy and peace in a life that is chasing circles.
There is nothing that matters more in our lives than the security of having a sense of joy, peace, and harmony, each of which comes from a committed relationship with Christ. With the faith that comes from that kind of relationship, it is very difficult to start chasing in circles. There is only one place to go, and that is even closer to Him.
Spinning out of control and chasing in circles isn’t why God made us. He made us to be godly men, and He provided all of the instruction we need to become godly men. It’s called the Bible.

Bottom Line Thought: Where are you going? Do you find yourself chasing circles or spinning out of control more than you would like? How does it make you feel about yourself? Why are you missing a sense of joy, peace, and harmony in your life? Do you really need to be like a dog chasing his tail?

Monday, June 1, 2015

Living Large

I ran into a new friend, Dean, at church a while back and asked him how he was doing. He gave me an answer I didn’t expect when he said, “I’m living large.” He said it with the same huge beautiful smile he gave me when I walked into the front door of the church for the very first time. I didn’t expect that answer because I knew that he has some fairly significant medical issues. Here’s something I know about Dean. He is truly living large, because what he meant by the term was that it is all the small good things about his life that fill it and have given him the ability to understand how much he is loved and blessed.
Can’t all of us make that statement if we wanted to? Are there any of us who can’t see and appreciate all of those small insignificant things that we are blessed with? Do we really want to allow just one or two things that may negatively affect us to rule how we view life and cause us to be “down” or have a negative outlook? Isn’t life more than that?
Without going into a litany of things that could cause me to be a legitimately negative person, let me share some of the small things in my life that make me know that I too am living large;
·         Though we are unevenly yoked, and will never agree on some things, I have no doubt that my wife loves me.
·         I have 7 kids who love me and never hold my past against me.

·         I am not perfect, nor a perfect Christian, yet I know, without any doubt, that God loves me and stands by me.

·         I am not wealthy, nor even financially secure, yet I know I have all I need in life and I can willingly share what I have with needy others and my church.

·         I am completely certain of the fact that despite myself I will one day live in Heaven and see those who have gone before me.
Living large is a state of mind that comes out of being secure in our own skin, our relationships, and in our faith. Christ followers are indeed living large.

Bottom Line Thought: Are you living large or are there things or thought processes that you need to change to get there?