Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Egg-zactly !

Oil and water don’t mix, or so we’re told. If you’ve washed greasy dishes or pots in a sink, you’ve most likely seen the oily schmutz that floats on the dishwater.  Until, that is, you put the emulsifier in. That would be the soap, which emulsifies the solutions, so they work together for the common good—clean dishes and pots.

Mayonnaise, which has been around since the mid-1700s, is mayo only because of an emulsifier, one of the unlikeliest of sources—egg yolk. You see, it is the lowly egg yolk that allows the water and oil in the mixture of the batch of goo which will ultimately become mayo to work together, to join despite their opposing natures. Egg-zactly. Now you know.

You may now be asking yourself “what has this got to do with me?” I will share—it has everything to do with you. Unless, that is, you are a hermit, stranded on an island thousands of miles away, alone. Here’s the deal. Humans are made for relationship and community with each other. That’s how God made us and wired us. He also made each of us different, and it’s not uncommon at all for those differences to be like oil and water. It happens in relationships, marriages, group settings, churches, you name it. It happens because it is natural to mankind. Just as God designed it. But here’s the kicker. God has also given each of us an emulsifier, THE emulsifier—the Holy Spirit within us when we believe. It is the Holy Spirit which emulsifies our differences so that we can work together for His glory. I bet you never thought of the Holy Spirit as an egg yolk did you?

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