Sunday, March 1, 2020

Is your kid worth $300K a year?

So the question your child worth $300,000.00 a year? He or she is to human traffickers. Were you aware of that? Did you think that the trafficking victims are simply victims so that the perpetrators can have unrestricted sex with them? Sure, that is a horrible thought. But, it's not the reason for the industry (yes, it IS an industry--a dark one) to exist. It is ALL about the money. Each victim is worth an estimated $300,000.00 per year to the perpetrator because they sell the victims out for sex, and when the victims get worn out, they are sold as property.

So many folks act like they have blinders on when it comes to this problem, and yes, it is a problem. A huge problem, because it revolves around a crap ton of money! So many folks act like they ignore the problem because it hasn't affected them or anyone they know, or they think that it can't happen in their sanitary little suburban communities. Well, it does happen, and it is happening--because it is ALL ABOUT THE MONEY. Read about it HERE, and please wake up!

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