Monday, March 7, 2016

6 words

It's been said that life is 10 percent what happens to us and 90 percent how we deal with those things.  If we're paying attention to those around us (or even ourselves for that matter) we will experience folks who just seem to sweat doom and gloom, and we will see folks who we might think have Teflon skin because bad stuff just seems to roll off of them like water from a duck.  What's one of the key differences between those folks?  In a nutshell, attitude!

Most of us would probably agree with the meaning and the importance of the saying which consists of just 6 little words:
"We become what we think about."

What we think about plays a huge role in our overall attitude about life, towards other people, ourselves, our relationships, our jobs, and, yes, most importantly, our spiritual lives.  What we think about, and what we dwell upon, drives how we react to situations both good and bad.  If our thoughts are generally negative, then even the good things that happen to us are shaded and jaded by our overall negative outlooks.

In no way does God expect us to be happy little campers 24/7/365.  Let's remind ourselves of that often, because if we were our reliance on His ways and His plans for our lives would fly right out the window.  He knows we will face adversities and unpleasantness.  And He knows that there will be times when we have absolutely no control over it.  But, He also knows full well that He gave us the matter of choice, and in doing so expects us to use it.  We can choose to look toward the happy side, even as we experience unhappiness, or we can choose to dwell on that unhappiness.  Again.....6 little words:
"We become what we think about."

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