Thursday, February 6, 2020

An unopened gift

Have you ever given someone a gift and wondered later if they had even opened it? Perhaps the person you gave it to forgot to open it, or left it in their car or at work, you may have wondered. Worse yet, perhaps you thought that they simply didn’t like it or appreciate it. No word of thanks, no nothing. You are left wondering, and perhaps puzzled—or worse yet, angry.

Have you ever received a never opened gift that you forgot about? It may have gotten shuffled off to the side and forgotten, you lost it, you left it somewhere by mistake.

Either way, whether you were the giver or the receiver, any of those explanations could be plausible, right? Perhaps unlikely, true, but it could happen. The truth is, it does happen, and it happens a lot unfortunately. As Christians, it happens to us much more than it ever should, and God grieves.

I’m talking about our spiritual gifts—those gifts bestowed upon true believers by the Holy Spirit. They are gifts, not just to be received, but to be opened, nurtured, and used for the furtherance of Kingdom work. And yet, so many “Christians” sit on their laurels, perhaps even talk about their gifts, but fail to use them. Those, folks, are truly unopened gifts….and God doesn’t just wonder—He grieves.

Is your gift(s) opened?

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