Sunday, August 31, 2014


Messes.  No, I'm not talking about a messy home, or messy clothes, or even messy cars or hair.  I'm talking about the part of life that comes so naturally to most of us.  It's the messes we get into....either by circumstance or because of some bad decision we may have made ourselves.   Daily life can indeed get messy sometimes, can it not?

Some of those daily life messes are pretty huge on the grand scale of the mess measurer, while others are just simple aggravations.  Some require a whole lot of attention and effort to clear up, while others take a minimum of work to resolve.  Sometimes the mess we get into seems overwhelming, and others are such that we can laugh at them as we resolve them.

What do you do when you get into a life mess?  When dealing with the messy home, cars, hair, or clothes what do you do?  You, as in yourself, take care of them.  You don't call a rescue squad to take care of them.  We leave them to take care of the messes on the highways when there are accidents.  So again, what do you do when you get into a life mess? 

Do you consult with God about it?  Or do you lean on others in hopes that they will be your rescue squad?  Or do you simply just try to gut it out....or worse yet, ignore it and hope it goes away?  Which method of dealing with your life mess will provide you with the best life lesson for future messes (and yes, there will always be some awaiting us)?
  • sharing our messes with God....absolutely important and necessary
  • sharing our messes with others.....absolutely ok and sometimes necessary to maintain our sanity
  • gutting it out or ignoring it.....this one goes on the "no way Jose" pile (figure it out man)
Here's a little help:
Trust Him.....He is very experienced in walking with us....but He's not the rescue squad.

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