Monday, November 23, 2015

The Good Church

          Here is a quick glance of the types of church goers:
Twicers:  folks who go to church on Christmas and Easter because, to them, it’s the thing to do.  It somehow makes them feel good.
Sometimers:  folks who go to church sometimes, though not regularly.  When they start feeling guilty, they go. 
Have-to’s:  folks who go because they have to.  They go because their spouse want them to go with them, or “because of the kids.”  Inside, they’re not thrilled about it.
Nevers:  folks who never go to church unless there is a wedding, a funeral, or a baptism.  At other times they just can’t be bothered.
Hoppers:  folks who church hop.  They can never seem to find a church that suits them.  They hop from church to church, never really building relationships, because they are looking for something they perhaps will never find—the perfect church that they have in their mind’s eye.
Regulars:  Folks who are regular attendees of a church.  They know there is no such thing as a perfect church, but they know that in spite of the imperfections that will be found at any church, there are things about the church where they are at that offer them a solid and rewarding Christian experience.  They know there are part of a good church.  Some of the things that make a church a good church are:
·         The church’s teaching is based on solid biblical principles

·         There is a strong sense of community within the church

·         There is transparency and accountability throughout the church

·         When ALL within that church are truly equals

·         And more.
If those things are present in a church, as they are in mine, there will be present the “Circle of G’s”:  One will feel an overwhelming sense of Grace (and love), which will cause one to feel an enormous sense of Gratitude.  Out of that sense of gratitude, one will, fully out of a sense of gratitude (and not guilt) be Generous..with our time, efforts, heart, service, and gifts.  The outgrowth of all this is Growth.  We grow as God’s people, and as a result of that growth we fully extend that same grace that struck us to all others.  We have grown into Christ followers, and we become real people who love the good church..
Bottom Line Thought:  How is your church life?  Where do you stand on the continuum of the churched?  How can you grow in your church?

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