Tuesday, September 2, 2014

The eyes have it

Eyes.  Really, eyes?  Yes, I know it may seem a bit strange to talk about eyes in a column about life, men, and getting better.  But hear me out please.  Several times over the past year I have written about or used dogs as examples of how to do life, simply because of their overall nature.  Once again I'll revert back to dogs....but just briefly.  We've always had German Shepherds.  Now we have "the old man", Duke, a rescue golden Labrador.  The shepherds were always wonderful dogs, great family dogs.  But you never were quite sure what was going on in their minds simply by looking at their eyes.  Oh, at times the eyes could be quizzical, but generally the eyes were quite neutral.  Duke, on the other hand, leaves no doubt about himself whenever he meets anyone.  He's got a permanent set of "love eyes"....period.  All-the-time !

So since we're on the eye thing, let me share a couple of shorty's.   While in college getting my Master's degree, we had a visiting professor teaching one of the business courses.  I don't remember the course title, but I remember him.  His name was Mike.  His real business was buying faltering companies, assessing their future viability (if any), and then either turning them around or gutting them and selling the left-overs.  Either way, it took a particularly hard, cold, and calculating CEO to do what he did.  And it showed in his eyes.  His eyes were practically dead, as were 99% of his expressions.  We never saw any signs of joy or happiness in the man as he taught that semester.

Another is a neighbor man.  He grew up rough and has always been a blue collar worker.  He is also in a motorcycle gang....a rough one, a well known one.  His eyes are dead.  They never reflect any joy, glee, or happiness.  They are just cold, hard, eyes.  Even when he does smile, it is not a warm smile....it is a "well practiced" placement of the facial muscles to mimic a smile....albeit a joyless phony one.

On the other hand, to a person everyone I have met who is either exploring or is in a relationship with God has eyes that have life in them....even when their personal lives may be in a state of upheaval.  Their eyes are warm and usually caring.  They are certainly expressive, and most often they carry with them an undercurrent of joy and happiness.

What do your eyes say about you to others?  Have you, like me, ever wondered what Jesus's eyes looked like as he ministered to the lesser and the downtrodden?  I bet they were just overflowing with compassion.  What story do our eyes offer as we come in contact with the lessers of society and the downtrodden?

I would say, that in all aspects of our lives.....the eyes have it.  They tell a lot about us.

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