Thursday, May 14, 2015

Out of the rut

As humans we may feel as if we are in a rut at times. Some will feel that way more often than others. Either way, there are things that we can do to get rid of that negative feeling we have about ourselves.
1.    Don’t hide from the fact that we feel that way. Recognize it and own it and understand that it doesn’t make you a “bad” you, and that it’s a normal phase that happens to us.

2.    Superman can stop bullets. He can’t stop himself from feeling like he is in a rut at times.

3.    .If you feel you’re in a relational rut, talk about it with your partner. Talk about how to turn it into a positive. Maybe you need date nights or spontaneous fun times together—anything to attack the sameness of the relationship. Two attacking a problem is much more effective at making change than one.

4.    If it is a spiritual rut, talk about it and pray about it. Perhaps there is stuff that is going on in your spiritual life that you need to be transparent about and you aren’t. Maybe you have started to question yourself as a Christian man. Transparency and communication are the keys to answering those questions.

5.    Being in a rut is not an event. It is a process that has led you there. Once you have accepted that, come up with a rut-busting plan. Implement it, follow it, and enjoy the ride back to joy, peace, and contentment.

6.    See forward. Keep your focus in front of you, not behind you, and savor every positive sign of change. That, in and of itself, becomes infectious and healing.

7.    Don’t be down on yourself for what is a natural, temporary feeling. Love yourself for seeing it and doing something about it. Trust that God will be there to walk with you as you go through it. And know that you are honoring Him with this effort.
Rut-itis is just a temporary thing. It becomes a permanent issue only if we choose it to be. Most of us, however, don’t enjoy ourselves when we make that wrong choice.

Bottom Line Thought: The roller coaster of normal life gives us peaks and valleys—and ruts. None of them last. Is any part of your life in a rut? How do you deal with the ruts in your life?

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