Monday, May 18, 2015


You read it right. It is whining with an “h” in it, not winning. Why whining in a book for men? Certainly men don’t whine—or do they? Let’s put it this way—winning starts when the whining stops. Here are a few examples of men whining;
·         A friend kid got into 4 different accidents over time and it was “never his fault.” It was always “those other drivers” fault. No mention that the kid already had 2 traffic tickets in the last 6 months.

·         Dad whined that his kid wasn’t picked as a pitcher on his little league team, but neglected to mention that in the past season his kid was an absolute ace at first base and when he did pitch he stunk at it.

·         “I can’t land a job. I go out a couple of days a week and fill out applications but nobody calls.” Sorry buddy, you’ve got to do better than that. You have to be relentless in your efforts to make it happen. A couple of days a week isn’t going to happen.

·         “My wife hasn’t been saved. I keep praying for it to happen.” Her getting saved is a deal between her and the Holy Spirit. When she is ready to let Him into her heart, He will come. The whiner’s job is to lead by example by his own spiritual growth which he should be doing instead of whining about his wife.

·         “None of the neighbors like us. They are just cold folks.” Really? Maybe instead of looking at the one finger pointing at the neighbors, he should look at the 3 point back—at himself. Something’s going on with how he shows himself to those neighbors.
Winners take personal responsibility for situations when they are whining situations. Winners know they are responsible only for their own actions, not those of others. Winners know those things he can handle and is responsible for. They also know that much of which they could whine about is really God’s business. Winners focus on themselves and God, not on all the ills they see. Winners are secure, whiners are not. Winners wear big boy pants. Whiners still wear diapers.

Bottom Line Thought: Do you dodge your own responsibility in favor of whining?

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