Thursday, January 7, 2016

Right before your eyes

           Months ago, there was an older gentleman who cornered the pastor at the church after service one day and "dumped."  The guy was, literally, a mess.  He was living in the basement of a home where someone had taken him in to keep him off the streets, he was broke, he was very broken, and he was openly and admittedly not a believer.  In fact, having been raised in a Russian Orthodox Jewish home, he was a total skeptic when it came to Christ....and yet he had attended the church that day because a counselor had suggested it and he liked that particular counselor.

           The pastor, on the next day, e-mailed one of the men's small group leaders at the church to let him know of the conversation and to ask if the group would consider taking the man under their wings at their next meeting if he felt comfortable showing up.  One of the purposes of that particular small group is to be available for very broken men who feel that empty hole in their hearts and wish to explore a relationship with the Lord.  Of course the group would welcome him! 

           The man showed up at the next meeting date (that very week) and after introductions and a brief talk about himself and his journey by each group member, the man was asked if he would like to share anything.  He wanted to and his story was extremely candid, heart wrenching, and painful.  He was truly a lost soul with that empty spot in his chest.  After group that evening, he was given a man-hug by each of the guys and urged to consider coming back.

           The next week, there he was.  And, he had a smile on his face.  He told the guys that he was really glad to be back.  He felt comfortable, even knowing that he didn't really fit in--something that was immediately repudiated by loving comments by the guys.  "Hey, you're one of us," "we've all been lost, and we're all broken," "God loves us all," etc.  He evidently found some comfort because he has continued to come back.  And in the intervening time since then, he has started to sit with some of the guys in church on Sundays instead of sitting alone at the back--on his own.  He has started to make some amazing observations about the need for a relationship with Christ.  And he has done it all without having God or Jesus thrown in his face or shoved down his throat.  The guys in that group have been loving and patient.  Period.  They have quietly allowed him to process the things they say in the meetings, and see the things they do, so that his heart can react. 

           As he has ever so slowly begun his journey, it has become ever so obvious that his heart is changing, as is his attitude about life and his circumstances.  He smiles, he shares candidly, he talks about deep issues.  He is beginning to show very clear signs of a spiritual awakening.  And at the last meeting he asked questions of the leader about baptism and communion.  It clearly looks as if the Holy Spirit has worked on the man's heart, and that he is about to make some major changes.  All of this happened right before the eyes of the group, and it is a marvelous thing to see.

Bottom Line Thought:  Can anything be greater than seeing a completely broken down old man come out of the dark into the light right before your eyes?  Are you part of a group that can help some old man?  Are you willing to be?  All it really takes is compassion, some kind words, time, patience, and lots of love for your fellow man. 

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