Friday, January 8, 2016

Voices in the head

           Every once in a while a somewhat bizarre crime will take place and when we hear and see of it on the nightly news on TV, and then read the newspaper articles about the crime, they are most times accompanied by a photo of the perpetrator.  Often the photo used will cause many of us to wonder if the perp isn't just a bit addled.  Sometimes that suspicion is confirmed when we read the accompanying article and find that the perp indicated that "the voices in my head told me to do it."

           Sad, but true, some folks who experience mental/emotional difficulties are convinced that they do hear voices in their head.  Every once in a while when someone catches me talking to myself I get "the look" that tells me they think I'm carrying on a conversation with the voices in my own head.

           Do you want to have a really great day today....and tomorrow.....and the next day....and so on?  Why not listen to the voice in your head?  It is absolutely the best voice you will ever hear.

Bottom Line Thought:  Maybe hearing this voice in  your head will actually cause you to talk to yourself.  You know, something like "Thank you Jesus!"  Allow yourself to hear the voice in your head and your heart.  It's just have to listen for it.

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