Friday, January 22, 2016

We've got your back

LifeLock has been running a bunch of advertisements on the radio lately in which they claim to protect you from identity theft, and by doing so you will have peace of mind.  The ad is punctuated by the statement "we've got your back."

We, or I've, got your back is a statement that is in vogue these days.  Maybe it's replacing "I've got you covered."  At any rate, and in any instance, the implication is that "you're not alone."

As we travel this long dirt road of life, sometimes we really feel as if we're alone don't we?  We listen to that pesky little creep (the one with the horns) in the red cloak that resides on our shoulder and whispers lies into our ear--"you can do it alone", "no one will know", "aw, go ahead, it's no big deal", etc.  You see, he knows that chances are his voice will be heard over the voice in your heart if you're not connected.  The trouble is, that creep never has your back---never, ever, never !  His whole goal is to stop you from going to the One that does have your back.

If we're looking for real peace of mind (and, coincidently, a content soul) we're not going to find it in LifeLock anymore than we will find it alone.  Being a part of a Small Group will do more for us to prevent identity theft than anything else we can do.  It will protect us while helping to build within us our new identity as men of God.  It, like God, will truly have our back if it is a healthy group, a group committed to helping the guys grow spiritually.

Bottom Line Thought:  Who's got your back?

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