Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Where's Attaboy?

Are you getting a bit weary of hearing from all sides and thinking so much of all the stuff you ought to do so that you can be a better man, husband, and father?  We hear it in church, in our groups, certainly in these postings, at home, from good friends....sometimes it just seems as if we are being barraged by "need to's", "shoulds", "ought to's", "have to's", etc, etc.  Most are certainly not of a negative nature at all.  Most are singularly related to improving ourselves.  All are for positive gain in how we do life.

And now.....the but !!  We can hear all of these things, understand them, and acknowledge their need in making positive change within us....but doesn't it seem to set us up in a way?  Perhaps there comes a time in our thinking when we begin to look at ourselves as just a big mess because we keep hearing or reading about the "ought to's".  We begin to doubt if we will ever be all we could be or should be.  It almost seems as if we keep hearing implied negatives and thus we become a bit negative ourselves as we wonder when it will end.

If you are thinking that way, or have thought that way, make today a "break with change" day and instead think selfishly....very selfishly.  Go back in your mind, look at the journey you have been on as you have walked this road of life, and discover each and every positive change you can find.  Yes, you will find them. As long as your heart is beating, you will find them.  Embrace each of those changes, large and small, and give thanks for them.  And then, give yourself a huge "Attaboy" because you deserve it.

We don't always get attaboys from others....especially when we think we deserve them.  Only we know just how hard some of those positive changes were to make, and while others may not share in the delight of those changes, it isn't pride if we ourselves bask in that light of accomplishment.  After all, it is what God would have us do as we strive to become better men, husbands, and fathers.  And when we reach the end of that long, often difficult, narrow road we call life, we will get the most meaningful "Attaboy" ever, when we get to heaven.

In the meantime, don't look for "attaboys".......they may not be there.  But you owe it to yourself to stop, take a breath, reflect, and then give yourself an "attaboy" every once in a while just because you do deserve it.  After all, you are the one who has done the work...not so much for others as for yourself.

And finally, remember that you didn't do it all had help.  God never let you down or forgot you during your time of change.  The changes you have made are pleasing to Him, and have been accomplished because He has given you the nudges and the direction for that whatever you do give Him an "attaboy" as well by thanking Him for never letting you down.

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