Thursday, May 15, 2014

Why don't I ?

Maybe you are a dog person.  If so, you of all people will appreciate a conversation I had with God last night while trying to get to sleep.  I'm sharing it as a means to share yet another point about the kind of people we all should be, that many of us want to be, that some wish to be, and that some could be....if only, or when.

My big old lovable Lab (Duke) had jumped up on the bed last night prior to my going to bed.  It's a nightly ritual, whereby he gets there early to "stake out" his territory....most generally as much of the bed as he can take so that one couldn't possibly try to sleep without being a professional contortionist.  He always has to be moved to make room for the main man. He has come to feel that it is his primary duty to guard me as closely as possible...thus he has moved from the floor to the bed.  I'm an inveterate softie I guess.

As I was trying to doze off, some questions (as follows) kept popping into my noggin:
  • Why can't (or don't) I love unconditionally like Duke does?
  • Why can't (or don't) I appreciate everyone, regardless of who or what they may be?
  • Why can't (or don't) I be as loyal and faithful to my Master like Duke is to me?
  • Why do I "thin slice" people whereas Duke doesn't?
  • Why can't I just appreciate all that I have like he does?
  • Why don't I always trust my Master the same way Duke always trusts his?
  • Why don't (or can't) I always forgive others in quick time the way Duke always seems to do with me?
  • Why aren't I open and transparent all the time the way he is?
  • Why do I work so hard so often to complicate things?
As I thought of those questions, I was once again reminded of the fact that God certainly must have a really cool sense of humor.  He made us.  We were made in His image.  He made dogs.  The characteristics of a good dog are a spittin' image of the characteristics of our God.  And the humor lies in the fact that He certainly knew that dogs were to be man's best friend.  And therein lies the humor.  Dog is God spelled backwards. 

Maybe they are here to remind us of where we need tweaking in the way we live.....kind of like just another daily reminder.  And while that is no laughing matter, it is kind of funny that it all worked out that way isn't it?

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