Tuesday, May 27, 2014

You can help

No, thank you, I don't need help....nor am I seeking it.  This is truly an appeal about that one or two other men, husbands and fathers you probably know who might benefit from these posts.  It might be someone who is going through difficult times.  It could be a struggling family man.  It may be someone who could just use another little daily shot to help keep his rudder right.  So the challenge is on......

Can you, even while not knowing for sure how it will work out, pass on to a friend, co-worker, associate, fellow church member...actually anyone....the link to this blog if you feel it might be of benefit to them?  After all, our lives as christian men is all about those others who are about to embark on the journey, or are already on it.  Hopefully, this blog is working as a helpful tool of ideas, encouragement, and thought provocation in the lives of others, and if that is the case why not share it?

Thanks.  You never know what impact a little thing like that may have in another mans life.

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