Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Have you ever wondered why you are a Christian?  Is it "just because" or are there other compelling reasons?  Is it because it is the thing to do or what?

I saw the following the other day....a very simple thing, but it nailed it completely on the head for me.

It's all about the brokenness within each of us....brokenness which is as big a part of me as my DNA.  And because I am weak....I can yield to temptation and sin in the blink of an eye.  I have proven that many times over.  The worldview of many folks is that those of us who call ourselves Christians are somehow "good", and they seem to look for flaws in us so that they can have their "ah--ha" moments.  My "ah-ha" moment is when I see that flaw and realize that there is one more thing that needs fixing.  And knowing that those "ah-ha" moments will continue for me until the day I die.
Somehow I feel that God really enjoys it when we have those "ah-ha" moments....because He sees progress when we have them.  And I sense that He is joyful when we have them.
So, doesn't it somehow make sense that we don't have to question ourselves as to why we are Christians?  Or if we do, as perhaps we are bound to once in a while, isn't it great to know that the answer to that question is because we can have those "ah-ha" moments to reflect upon and thus know that we are right where we are supposed to be.....embracing our brokenness and darn well doing something about it?


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