Sunday, January 11, 2015

A real gift

Everybody likes gifts don't they?  That is except for the "bad" the ugly sweaters that don't fit or that something that you would never, ever use.  This piece isn't about the "bad" gifts however.  It is about real gifts.  Gifts we are grateful for.  There's an "ism" about real gifts:  if you don't recognize the gift, you can't be grateful for it.  Here are 4 characteristics of gifts (real gifts):
  • a real gift comes with a giver attached
  • a real gift costs something to give but nothing to receive
  • giving is a gamble
  • real gifts take us by surprise
What does all of the above tell you about your everyday life as you continue your work to be a better man, husband, and father?  Try looking at it through spiritual glasses.  Did not God (giver) send His Son (a real gift) freely (cost us nothing to receive Him) to save us (a gamble, knowing some would reject Him)?  And are you not surprised at how that real gift could take you from what you were to who you are now?  And now that you recognize that gift, are you not just overwhelmingly grateful?  There is a big picture lesson to all of this that we can apply to our everyday lives:
Relentlessly look for gifts...
Aggressively pursue gratitude.
In doing so we will all be amazed at the multitude of little gifts that come our way each day, and our sense of gratitude will strengthen and grow.  I might add one more thing....a deeper sense of humility will foster a deeper sense of gratitude.
Is anything standing in your way of having a more gratitude filled way of life?

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