Monday, January 19, 2015

Stuck with the skeletons? (part 3)

In parts 1 and 2 of the series "stuck with the skeletons" we learned what the skeletons were and the first two steps of how to get un-stuck:
Accept your past
Leave your past in your past
Ok, so now maybe you're serious about your effort to quit Dancing with the, skeletons.  What would be the next logical step?  Before we go there, here is a common definition of insanity:
"insanity can be defined as repeating the same mistakes over and over again, each time expecting different results" !
How does that definition play into the plan for getting un-stuck from our skeletons?  Many, if not all of the skeletons residing in the closets of our minds are often a result of not only our bad choices and decisions, but also the repeated  bad choices and decisions.  That is especially true of the skeletons that come as a result of sin in our lives, some of which is often very addictive.  Thus, we keep on making the same old mistakes, doing the same old sin, and thus we continue to feed that particular skeleton.  What to do, not only with the addictive type of skeletons, but all of them in order that we can move forward and become the men God made us to be?
You stop repeating the past mistakes.
How can I do that, you ask.  Here are some thoughts to consider as you ponder that question:
  • know and accept the fact that it won't be easy.
  • understand and appreciate that it is a process that will take some time
    • there will be miss-steps
  • there will be small victories
    • fully appreciate those victories
  • focus on the joy that comes with any improvement instead of the guilt that comes with failures
To answer the initial question "how can I do that" set boundaries.  You think in these can I best protect me from me?  To do that, you build a fence around each of those things which have, may have, or will become your skeletons, and you constantly remind yourself......uh-uh, I ain't gonna go there!  You look at those skeletons (your past) and use them as a means to drive the change for the future you.  You take on the mindset that you want your boundaries to define you...not your skeletons.  It's a one on one fight, and you can win the battle to protect you from you. 
tbc tomorrow
Thanks Darren

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