Saturday, January 17, 2015

Stuck with the skeletons? (part 1)

If you're letting your past poison your future, you're stuck with the skeletons.  It can get noisy there in the closet of your mind can't it?  It also gets crowded doesn't it?  All those skeletons.  We all have them in various shapes and forms.  We even like to massage them at times don't we?  What kind of relief from the past does that bring?  Not much, if any at all.....because in the closets of our minds we all have those darn old skeletons hanging.  Clikkety-clack, clikkety-clack....and the noise gets crazy sometimes because we sometimes feel we are stuck with those skeletons.

Let's put a name to some of those skeletons:
  • past failures
  • our indiscretions
  • times we've been hurt or slighted
  • past sins we just can't forgive ourselves for
  • current sin we just can't seem to let go of
  • resents and anger over stuff from long ago
  • etc.
If we fail to deal with the skeletons, we will never be the men, husbands, and fathers we were meant to be.  It's impossible, because those skeletons will have a bearing on every choice and decision you make until you finally let the ashes of your past go.  Only then will you be able to live free and happily pursue an honest walk with Christ.

Step #1 in getting unstuck from the skeletons is to accept your past.  Your past doesn't have to be your baggage.  Your past is your very own unique story...nobody else's.  It is what brought you to where you are today, wherever that is.  It is you, inside of your skin.  There is  nothing you can do to change that.  It is as much a part of you as your DNA.  But you don't have to let that past, no matter how bad it is, control you and dictate who you are today, or who you will be tomorrow.

So...what do you do with that past?  YOU EMBRACE IT !!  Yes, embrace it.  In acknowledging it and embracing it, you come to peace with it.  You finally understand that, yes....this was me.  Key word....was !!!  At that point in your journey to get unstuck from the skeletons, you have just crossed the river calm.  You can now, after thanking God, say with conviction and believe with all your heart,  "What is in my future is greater than anything that's in my past".

tbc tomorrow

Thanks Darren

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