Friday, July 25, 2014

A closet full

Say, isn't it at least just a little bit satisfying to kind of sneakily judge someone or their actions?  I think we all get a bit of an inward "kick" out of seeing someone do something, or hearing someone saying something, and thinking "well, I wouldn't do that".  Or, "I would have done it (or said it) this way....".  Yes, that is judging.  And we judge to make ourselves feel good.  Or superior.  Or better.  Or smarter.  Or...... .  It is as much a part of our humanness, as our brokenness is.  It is who we are and what we do.

I beat on myself sometimes for being like that.  I will catch myself judging someone else (for any one of many reasons), but not normally until after I have afforded myself that secret gloat that comes with the judgment I just made.  Hey, that gloat is great feed for my ego....and it does make me feel......gooooooood.....up to the point where I realize why I am so suddenly feeling that goooooood.

There are three axioms that can come into play when it comes to being judgemental.
  1. When we are pointing at another person, there are three fingers pointing back at ourselves.
  2. We all get up and put our pants on one leg at a time.
  3. We all have a closet full of skeletons.
Yikes !!!! If we left our closet door open and a lot of skeletons fell out.....what would happen?  Oh no, others would see our skeletons.  I don't know about you, but I don't really like my skeletons being out there for others to see.  I'm kind of touchy about that.  It's very personal.  And if they are out there...what might people think?  And how might I then be judged by others?  Oops indeed !!
Here is the point.  We each have enough of our own stuff to take care of don't we?  If that is true, then how can we possibly justify even thinking about being judgmental of others?  And if we are in the habit of being judgmental of others, then how much easier is it for us to also be judgmental toward those close to family?  And how does that affect those relationships?  Just sayin'.
Darn closets.  They hold the strangest things.

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