Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Do we just say it?

A song we sing fairly often at church never seems to get old to me.  The name of the song is Here's my Heart, and it is sung by Passion.  Here's the chorus to that song:
Here's my heart Lord,
Here's my heart Lord
Here's my heart Lord,
Speak what is true

Here's my life Lord,
Here's my life Lord
Here's my life Lord,
Speak what is true
Speak what is true
Speak what is true
It's really quite straightforward isn't it?  "here's my heart Lord, here's my life Lord, speak what is true."  And it really is quite simple....in theory.  I want to be so Christ-like that I can hardly stand myself.  And yet, I will never achieve being Christ-like because I am such a broken human being.  I will only ever achieve more Christ-like, and that only if I continually work at it.  Perhaps this is true of many of those who are reading this.  Our "want-to's" and "actuals" aren't as in sync as we would want them to be.
So truthfully, all too often when I am praying, or when I have those moments when I am thinking about this walk I am taking down the long narrow road of life, I feel the need to just say to the Lord...."here's my heart, here's my life...speak what is true....and I just saying it.  Then there are time when I am having that wonderful "epiphany moment" when I say it and it is so absolutely heartfelt...almost like a plea.  And then there are those times when we sing the song at church and I feel such a tremendously strong passion about the words being sung. 
Perhaps just saying it every once in a while isn't really bad.  After all, it is there in my mind, and hopefully in my heart to a degree, so that when those special moments come where the words hold a significantly deep meaning and passion I can really absorb just what it is I am singing or saying....and that some will stick.
How about you?  How would the lives of all men, husbands, and fathers be impacted if we each lived with the true significance of those words in our daily lives?

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