Tuesday, February 10, 2015

The rocks at the bottom

Over the past couple of years I have seen several different news articles where couples were at a particularly picturesque place while on a honeymoon, while a proposal was taking place, or just celebrating a vacation together and one of the pair accidently fell off of a cliff onto the rocks below and perished.  Those stories are just plain sad, as they usually involved younger folks with their whole lives ahead of them.

Some of us fall off the cliff of life during our lifetimes don't we?  Some of the darkest times of my life were when I went over the edge and landed on the rocks below.  At those times when I was approaching the brink, I was not living as the man God had intended me to be.  I was a poor example of a husband, and an even worse example of a father.  Have you been there? 

The rocks at the bottom of life's cliff are hard indeed, but there is one rock there that actually saved me, and countless others:

It's nice to know that sometimes we have to look down at the rocks at the bottom to be able to look up and see God.

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