Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Baby Steps

           Babies are cute.  Babies are also an excellent life lesson for guys who are new to their Christian walk, and also for those who are struggling in their walk.  And, we all struggle from time to time in that walk if we're going to be honest about it right?  What exactly could we possibly learn from babies?  After all, we're grown men trying to do this thing called life !  Babies, really?  Yep.

           For one thing, babies are totally trusting.  They are also very open minded--there is little they think they can't do, and when they discover they can't do something they just keep on trying, over and over again, with the patience of Job.  Let's  take one small example of their tenacity.  They learn to walk don't they?  They just keep on trying, taking those baby steps over and over again, until they get it.  Here's the process:
  • they see us walking, and are pretty much convinced that they can mimic us and do it
  • they get the thought that they can do it
  • that leads to the desire to give it a try
  • they put that desire into action and start trying to get up, they crawl
  • that action becomes a habit as they keep on trying
  • that habit becomes a routine as they keep attempting to walk over and over again
  • and as the routine develops,  in due time they walk.
           You see, babies seem to have no problem developing a good routine, and that good routine leads them to a whole new level of their babyhood--they are walking.  But, that good routine all started with baby steps.

           Our Christian walk is really no different.  Sure, there are different roadblocks, different kinds of falls, and different obstacles, but if we take the lesson we can learn from babies, we will find our Christian walk much, much stronger in the end.  And a stronger walk rewards us with healthier relationships, a deeper closeness with our Lord, and a self assurance that when our time comes we will reach our heavenly home.

           Let's recap briefly:  If we are going to develop a good routine which will secure us in our faith we need to take the baby steps to get there.
  1. We start by having the right thoughts.
  2. Those right thoughts lead to right desires and decisions,
  3. which lead to right actions,
  4. which become the right habits,
  5. which become a good routine.
           It's all about the baby steps, no matter where we are in our walk.  If we fall, we take more baby steps.

Bottom Line Thought:  Have you thought about your Christian walk and what it might need to make you a better man, husband, and father?

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