Sunday, December 27, 2015

Ruin your reputation

           Are you a man or a mouse  Come on, squeak up !   My guess is that many guys who profess to be Christ followers are more on the mouse side than the man side.  That is to say, many guys are just plain timid when it comes to witnessing their faith and sharing Jesus Christ with others.  And, if they are not necessarily timid, they tend to be carefully selective when doing so.  Perhaps some of the thinking that drives the lack of fire may well be "what will others think of me" or "will they think I am one of those obnoxious Bible thumpers who don't leave others alone?"

           Jesus, during His short ministry on earth was certainly no mouse when it came to witnessing and sharing, nor were those who followed Him and planted and grew churches after He was hung.  They certainly didn't squeak--they roared.  Many of us probably just need to clear our throats out so we don't squeak as much and can start to roar.

Bottom Line Thought:  What stops you from ruining your reputation?  Are you not seeing opportunities that may be there, or worse yet, ignoring those you see?  Is it fear or uncertainty or a perceived lack of knowledge that stops you?  Are you just complacent or lazy?  How can you overcome these obstacles so that you can ruin your reputation?

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