Tuesday, December 22, 2015


           I love it when someone asks me how I'm doing.  I will generally answer with something like this--"I'm doin' just fine.  I woke up alive this morning."  To me, waking up alive is one of the greatest thrills life has to offer me.  It sure beats the alternative doesn't it?  If the weather happens to be snarky (anything but bright and shiny) at the particular time someone asks me that question, I'll add a little caveat to my usual answer, something like this...."and it's a beautiful day out there, nice bright sunshine and blue skies.  Even though I can't see them, they're out there."  Sometimes I get "the look" with my upbeat positive type of response, but more times than not the subliminal message behind my answer reaches the person.  Having another morning here on Mom Earth is simply another great blessing from God, no matter what the morning is like or what we are about to face as we begin yet another day of our walk with God.

           And, while we are at it, it is yet another day in which we have a great opportunity to inspire our own soul, to strengthen our resolve to be more Christ like as we go through the day in relationship with all of those we come in contact with.  It's like getting 365 do-overs in a row.

Bottom Line Thought:  Are you a Grumpy Gus in the morning, or Happy Harry because you realize God has not only given you the gift of another day, but more opportunities to touch the lives of others while you yourself continue to grow your walk with God?


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