Sunday, December 6, 2015


"I'm too busy right now to help you."
"I'd like to grab that cup of coffee with you, but I'm really busy."
"I won't be able to make Small Group tonight. I'm tied up."
"Hon, can't you see I'm busy working on that report due tomorrow?"
           How often do we utter those statements or some similar ones?  It seems as if we humanoids have "busied" ourselves right into a corner.  Heck, we even invent "busies" so that we look busy, or to ward off a sense of boredom we might be feeling.  Busy used to be really good.  It was an indication of being productive, being attentive to detail, a sure sign of "gettin' 'er done."
           In some ways it is almost as if busy has become strongly connected with PC.  Because of that, busy-ness has, perhaps more than we realize, become a relationship busting wedge, though we perhaps don't realize that as we go about our various "busys".  As we utter those statements, we are, in our minds, busy.  Reverse the role for a second.  When we hear statements like the above, do we always take them at face value, or do we sometimes think to ourselves "that's bunk!" and feel a little bit hurt?
"What I am doing is more important than you right now"
"At the moment, you are not my priority"        
          When being busy has, knowingly or not, become a relationship wedge through the way we use it, the above statements are the messages that actually come through to those we have just spoken with.   Wouldn't it be pretty awful if we were to suddenly realize that God was too busy to be a part of our lives?  What would it be like to hear Him speak to us and say "at the moment, I've got too much on my hands and you are not my priority right now?"  On a more earthly note, how would we feel if our wives and children were always "too busy" for us?  Or our friends?
Bottom Line Thought:  How many missed opportunities (to share Jesus, to really love your family, to take a moment to be kind to someone in need, to grow in your spiritual walk) have you had because you were "too busy?"  How often has your trip on the busy road damaged relationships around you?  Has God ever been too busy for you? 

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