Thursday, December 17, 2015


           Let's cut right to the chase.  How many of us have felt, or acknowledged that we felt, unworthy?  Sometimes when we say that we feel unworthy because something, perhaps too good to be true, happens to us.  Maybe, just maybe, that is a bit of false humility we are throwing out there?  Or, perhaps whatever it was that happened was just so totally unexpected, so out of the box, that we are so surprised that we immediately feel unworthy.  What is it about us that makes us "feel unworthy?"
           It's not all that uncommon to hear someone say that they feel unworthy when they are relating to another their "story"--especially when they have put their old lives on the shelf and are now on their journey of walking with Christ.  It is in those moments that they, knowing what and who they once were, are overwhelmed with the bare truth of what their lives are at that moment as a result of deciding to be Christ followers, albeit perhaps struggling ones.  They are mentally, and perhaps emotionally reliving their past at that moment as compared to their new lives.  It's not all that uncommon.
        Something we need to remind ourselves, especially in those times when we are feeling unworthy and perhaps about to say "I can't do this because I am unworthy", is that Jesus surrounded himself with 12 unworthy men when he started His ministry.  One of those men ultimately betrayed Him.  The likes of Paul and Peter, both exceptionally unworthy men (by their own account) went on to start churches and stand tall on their faith in the face of much adversity. 
           Let's get real and face it--we are ALL unworthy in our own minds.  God doesn't have a set of books--you know, a worthy book and an unworthy book.  We are all worthy in His heart.
Bottom Line Thought:  If you think you are unworthy, and it is affecting your walk with Christ, perhaps you might need to consider a bit of a catharsis.  How about a good old fashioned one on one talk with God whereby you ask him to explain why you are feeling unworthy.  I bet you don't get an answer to that one, simply because He loves you no matter what.

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