Saturday, February 20, 2016

Running out

Running out happens.  We try to prepare for those times when we could run out, but life happens and we find ourselves running out.  There are so many instances where we running out can define our character:

Running out of patience is a real character builder....or it tells the truth about us.

Sometimes we think we are running out of room, and we end up over-extending ourselves.
Actually, we may well just be not satisfied with what we have.

Whose fault is it really when we run out of gas, and how do we react?

Do we remain calm, or do we get frazzled and react inappropriately when we run out of ideas?

Some poor souls are hungry, they've run out of food.  What do we do?

We ALL run out of time.  We die.  Have you prepared your heart and mind for that day
when your time is up--when it's judgement day?  Have you served God well?

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