Sunday, February 21, 2016

The edge of nowhere

The edge of nowhere

Sometimes you just have to go
to that special magical place
where you're all alone
in the quiet and stillness
with only yourself for a companion.
The edge of nowhere.

It's where your struggle begins
as you try to be still and calm.
It's where you set it all aside....
the busyness that is your life
the problems, the pain, the hurts.
You lose them at the edge of nowhere.

It's the place where you'll meet God
if you'll only take the time.
You'll hear his calming voice
when you just stop and share with Him.
Sometimes you just have to dangle your feet
on the edge of nowhere.

"Peace is the result of retraining your mind to process life as it is,
rather than as you think it should be."

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