Tuesday, January 21, 2020

A Big Job

Adam, of Genesis fame (no, not the band—the Bible) had a big job. Were you aware of that? He was tasked with naming all the animals that God had created. I can almost visualize how that went. I picture Adam sitting naked on a rock there in the Garden, perhaps in the shade of a luscious tree, surrounded by the most beautiful flowers ever seen gracing the banks of a casually flowing stream of crystal-clear water. The scene brings a smile to my face as I try to envision how he may have come up with such names as elephants, hippopotumuses, and gnus. Or perhaps why he didn’t name those striped animals striped horses instead of zebras. But none of that is the point, which was—he had a big job to name all of the animals, which included birds and fish and every living thing. Wow! I wonder how any of us might have handled that job.

The truth is, we all have big jobs, jobs that were not only given to us by God, but jobs which God commanded us to do, probably just as He did in assigning Adam his job. Frankly, I can’t see God saying to Adam, “Hey Adam, can you please do me a favor and name all the animals?” I’m sure there were no caveats such as “when you get time” or “if you’d like to.” He hasn’t done that with the jobs He has assigned to us either.

Here’s the deal. The big job God has assigned to us is, in my opinion, far easier than Adam’s big job, and yet we fail miserably in doing it. He’s given us all the tools necessary to do it, and yet we don’t use them. Our simple, yet huge job, is to love God, and love others. No more, no less—and yet we find excuse after excuse not to do it. Do we really have it that bad that we wont just do our job?

I almost shudder to think what might have been if Adam hadn’t done his job and done it right. Would we now have giraffes as house pets?

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