Tuesday, January 14, 2020

God is Colorblind

While listening to a popular nationwide Christian radio station recently, a snippet of conversation between the two hosts of the show caught my attention. It bothered me. They had been kibitzing back and forth and one mentioned, using the term, “women of color”. Frankly, it not only bothered me, but I found myself stewing angrily about it.

I’m a product of earlier times—much earlier. My teen years were in the 50’s and 60’s. That in and of itself is no big deal, but let’s take it a step further. I was raised in the deep south. If you know anything about this country’s history, you will be familiar with the fact that in that part of the country racism ran rampant in many ugly ways. That was the culture in which I grew up, it was all I knew. And yes, I was very much a part of that culture. I knew no better. I’m not proud of that now, but it was what it was then. Ugly. 

It took years for me to change, and that came about only after I became a Christian and the Holy Spirit convinced me, convicted me, and changed my heart. Through that process I have come to believe that in no way did God make people of color. He made people of differing ethnicities, races, sizes, backgrounds, etc. The key word there is people. Further, one of the major similarities between them all is that each has a heart that pumps red blood—the same color as the blood of His Son Jesus who shed His for each of us. 

God is colorblind. The human race isn’t His coloring book. We shouldn’t have that coloring book either.

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