Tuesday, January 28, 2020

Through the eyes of an author 101:

So, were one to ask me how I came to write about “that” (it being any particular musing I wrote and shared), the answer would almost always involve at least some, if not all, of the following parameters (my writing M.O., so to speak).

Many, many, many times a thought or something I see or hear will inspire me while I am walking the pooch. Sometimes, I am in the middle of work when it happens. Almost always I will make a voice note to myself in that moment because I have a forgetterer that works exceptionally well, and a rememberer that, well, doesn’t always function as I wish it would. Here are some things I have noticed about the process:

·        The time of day (or night) seems to play no role in when a thought is triggered. Yes, I have gotten up out of bed to record that voice dancing in my head, to save for a later moment.

·        The place also seems to have no boundaries; it has happened in the middle of church services, while driving, while simply engaging in a conversation with someone, while in the middle of working in a stressful situation, and more. They seldom occur when sitting at the desk while writing.

·        They are quite random and will surprisingly come in clumps.

·        They are seldom linked to what I am specifically doing or thinking about when they come.

·        Often, they come as surprises—as in, where did that thought come from?

I am convinced that I am blessed with a portion of my brain, that portion that is open to new ideas and thoughts, that has no off and on switch. It is always on. Evidence of that was the one-week lag when I knew that everything that I wanted to be included in Dog Walk Talk was written, that I would not be adding any more to it. So, I offered myself a sigh of relief and decided to take a mental vacation. That didn’t last even a week. Within seven short days I had begun jamming on the keyboard producing musings for book three-to-be. Within a day of that, I knew what the title would be.

Everyone has a story. Every story can be shared. Every story can be written. Too many people are simply too afraid to try it. What about you?

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