Friday, June 27, 2014

50-20 Vision

Do you like who you are becoming or who you are?  Have you turned out to be the person you had hoped you would be, the one you envisioned during those quiet earlier moments in life when you saw a vision of yourself years down the road?  I doubt that many of us have.  Real life is quite different than fantasy life is it not?  Real life tosses out real roadblocks.  Fantasy life has removable roadblocks.  And therefore perhaps we haven't turned out quite like we would have liked.  But wait....

One of the roadblocks in real life that is an inborn preventer of real growth is that we are obsessed (almost) with our past.  We have a tendency, do we not, to carry around all of our "stuff" (life junk), and we relive it over, and over, and over again?  In the case of our past, our rememberers work exceptionally well, and our forgetters are no where to be found.  So we find ourselves, often unwittingly, massaging that past that we carry around with us.  Here's a thought !!

"Our past isn't our past if it is still impacting our present"
Guilty !  It is a natural part of our human condition to find it difficult to put our past in God's hands, and therefore behind us.  But that is really the only way to enhance further and future growth as men, husbands, and fathers.  Whoaaaa....this goes against how I am wired, how many of us are.  But, remember, we are all on that long narrow road of life, the end of which we are all striving for, the end of which being where the prize is...heaven and eternal fellowship with God.  So as such, it is imperative that we deal with this particular roadblock in our lives. 
An appropriate quote by Martin Luther applies:  "If your head is made of butter, don't sit near the fire".  Not fully releasing our past is akin to Mr. Butterhead sitting by that's not going to go away.  It will just continue to melt and continually make a mess of ourselves.
There is hope!  It is never too late to become who we have envisioned ourselves to be.  Dump the junk.  Put it right in God's hands.  And then trust Him to deal with it.  He will.  He's got huge hands.  And then put your efforts and energy into seeing the long view of life through 50-20 vision.  It will take less energy to look with 50-20 vision than it does to deal with past junk.  Win-win !!
Thanks Greg.

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