Monday, June 16, 2014

The line

                                B -----------------------------------------------------------------------D

Did you ever hear of the BD Line (pictured above)?  "B" represents when you are born, and "D" (no surprise) represents when you die.  The line in between is your life.  The line can be short, quite short, long, very long, or anywhere in between.  The thing about that line, however,  is that sadly so many of us look at that line in many other ways than what it's true significance really is.  We look at it as:
  • an ever moving line, which "allows" us to think "I'll get to it".  It's a tuit line.
  • or, an imaginary line.  If we don't really think of it, it somehow isn't there.  A figment line.
  • maybe, a line that doesn't really mean all that much.  When our number's up, our number's up kind of line.  An insignificant line.
  • perhaps a controlling line.  As in, there is so much to do but only so much time to do it....busy, busy line.
  • etc.
Let's change the perspective of that line for just a minute....and then check on your thinking about that line.

          "Boy, did this year just fly by us!" 
          "I can't believe how fast the last 20 years have gone by."
          "What the heck happened?  I was 20, and now I'm 70, and 20 seems like it was yesterday."
Have you had any of those thoughts?  If you are still breathing, chances are you have.  In all reality, in every sense of the word, the time span between or "B" and our "D" is nothing, as in nothing, but a dot.  That, in an of itself isn't the most important thing about the BD Line.  What is important, of the absolute utmost importance regarding that one tiny speck of time, a single dot, is what we do with our lives in that time.  God has given us all the time in the world.....but it is doled out just one day at a time.  And since we will never know just how many will be doled out to us, does not it behoove us to make that one speck of time, this day while we are still looking at the green side of the grass and breathing, the most important day of any?  And by that I mean using it for God's glory, using it to be more Christ-like in our walk?  If we do just those two things today, everything....everything else will fall into place for this one speck of time we call life.
The BD Line is short.  Don't get caught short thinking it is longer than it really is.

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