Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Going to the beach

Making a difference.  Isn't that something that we all feel good about...knowing not only that we want to make a difference, but in actually trying to do so?  Sometimes when we start thinking about it, it all may start to seem the old man's perspective....miles of beach, millions of starfish, a seemingly impossible task.  But the little girls response really captured the essence of making a is a one by one thing, even if there is logically too much to do when looking at the big picture. 
As we each walk our walk of life, on that long, narrow dirt road, aren't we as Christians to do all that we can to make a difference in the lives of others?  Yes, the odds are improbable, and the task seemingly impossible.  But if we keep it ever in our minds that the job of making a difference is a person to person, one life at a time adventure we are charged with, it makes life a bit of a dance doesn't it?  We dance with one person at a time, and we make a difference one life at a time...simple as that.  So what's to stop you from considering the world as your beach, and make a differnce to one starfish (person) at a time so that they too will be given a new life...just as all of God's children have?

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