Saturday, June 28, 2014

Free people, free people

Have you ever considered how much of an impact the following things have, or have had on your life?  As you read through the list, keep in mind that while most may well have been intentional, often they are not intentional, though our reactions are usually the same.
  • slurs, digs, and innuendo hurled your way
  • sarcasm directed at you
  • unfounded rumors/gossip specifically about you
  • outright lies about you
  • hurt deliberately bestowed on you
I, and for this I am ashamed, have told folks in the past that they need to get thicker skin  because I had said something(s) to them under the guise of "truth", when in reality I was actually getting my "digs" in or throwing sarcasm around.  It almost seems as if we have this "mean streak" gene in us that we just have to let loose on others at periodical intervals.  Usually we get pretty good at knowing just when to utilize that gene to get the best results out of those we are directing it at:  pain, hurt, loss of esteem or dignity (if only for a while).  The object is to use what comes way too easily as a tool to show that somehow we are better than the recipient, or that we are controllers, or that we just don't care all that much about them. 

The net result of that gene getting let loose is often hate. Hate robs us of joy, it reduces our ability to be compassionate, and it is a breeding ground for a lack of trust.  I'm sure many of us have been on both sides of the coin.  And I am equally as sure that we do not like being on the receiving end.  I, as perhaps most folks do, know what it is like to hate.  I quite sure that if God mirrored man (and thank God He doesn't!!) He would be one hate consumed being.  After all, just how much have we, over the course of our lives, hurt Him?  In how many ways?  But our God isn't like that....He forgives us, and freely gives us Grace.  And therein lies the lesson.  Don't we truly need to mirror Him so that we can likewise forgive and extend grace?  Some points about forgiveness:
  1. Authentic forgiveness is not cheap.  It sometimes comes at a cost to us, as when we extend it because it means we have to let go of something we have held on to for a long time. 
  2. Forgiveness isn't about condoning the actions against us...not at all.  It's about letting it go.
  3. Forgiveness isn't about reconciling.  Often that is just impossible.  It is freeing us of the chains of that particular situation or person.
  4. Forgiveness isn't about forgetting.  We may never forget the slights and hurts...they may well remain tucked up in the dusty cracks of the cranium forever. 
  5. It is about choosing to let go and be free.
Forgiving others can be hard.  Hard or not, the results are the same.  We become free.  And, free people, free people.  And that happens because as we accept grace (from God) we can then extend grace (to others).

thanks GB

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