Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Flower Child

Hippies aren't around as much as they used to be, or at least not so prevalent as they once were.  Well, if you've been to San Francisco lately, there is still a fair amount there.  But the "flower children" as we knew them back in the day are just not around like they used to be.  One thing about the "flower children" of the past was their uniqueness, their strive for individuality, their desire not to follow the pack, and their "dare to be different" mentality.  A side note here, I am talking strictly about them as individuals and not addressing their communal living arrangements or their sexual proclivities or drug usage.  Simply, their individualism.

Much can be said about that individualism, for in today's society it seems as if there just isn't all that much individualism per se.  Take bikers (motorized type)  for example.  While outside the norm in terms of their dress, hardcore attitudes, morals, etc, they are individualistic as a group.  On their own (when alone) most of the ones I've met are quite different than their group persona.  I suggest that a fair part of the churched group may be the same.  Certainly they are individualistic as a group (as when in church or doing church functions), but often aren't we just a bit different when out in the "real" world, as it is called.  There don't we tend, at least on occasion, to "fit in" in that segment?  I can easily catch myself acting differently, talking differently, thinking differently if I am not in a churched situation or with churched friend.  My natural instinct is to "want to fit in" so, if I'm not on guard, I will act so as to "fit in".  Have you experienced that?  In essence, this is a form of competing....we are competing to belong.

One thing I have started to learn.  A man who is serious about making every effort to follow Christ's examples of doing life is not, repeat not, in a competition.  It is a very individualistic thing, and if successful in his efforts he will become much like the flower child of days past.  He will not care what others think, as he knows he feels secure in the road he is traveling on...even if he is doing it alone....and he is comfortable with that.  He is, and realizes it, not an elitist, but rather a unique person, and he is comfortable within his own skin.

It's hard to do isn't it?  Denying the draw of the crowd and latching onto the calling of being a Christ follower never was said to be easy.....especially in today's times.  But there is an advantage to doing it, and that is called feeling the love of God and knowing what's at the end of the journey.

So, be a flower child, and bloom. 

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