Thursday, October 16, 2014


I've come to the conclusion that a lot of people don't think about gifts.  Oh no, not the kind we give and receive....I'm talking about the gifts that everyone has.  We. All.  Have. A. Gift.  That said, many don't or haven't recognized what their gift is, and worse yet, many just choose not to use them.  Our giftedness is a gift.  A gift from God.  It is that one thing about us and/or our psyche that when we choose to use it, others can surely benefit.  It comes, as often said, "naturally".  Our individual gift is one that we can, and should, freely give to the world so that others can be touched.  Some examples of giftedness:
  • our worship leader, and the musical team there, are gifted with all things music beyond any comparison
  • our pastors, as are perhaps many upon many, are gifted with teaching
  • could anyone doubt that Mother Theresa was gifted with compassion?
Those are fairly high profile examples of giftedness.  What about the mechanic down the street who just instinctively knows what is wrong with your car?  Or the family that just routinely, without any fanfare or hub-hub, devotes part of their Saturday to take meals to the homeless in their area?  Everyone has some sort of gift, a gift they can choose to use to make this world just a bit better place.

I have come to learn that my particular gift is creative communication.  In written form.  I happen to write lyrics as well as articles.  I have also learned that folks who use their gifts do so with passion.  If their giftedness intertwines with their profession, that profession isn't a becomes their passion. 

Almost all giftedness comes with creativity naturally.  Creativity is that which takes away the limits of ones giftedness.  I found this recently about creative people:

God built us all with a gift.  Have you identified yours yet?  Why not?  What's stopping you?  If you know what your giftedness is, are you using it for God's glory?  If you aren't, you can bet that there are those "out there" that are waiting for you, because you have something that can help them in some way.

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