Wednesday, October 15, 2014

My body speaks to me

We've all heard (and perhaps snickered) when we have heard the term "the voices in my head.....", right?  And at times I've been guilty of pre-judging the guilt of some criminal I've read about who has made that same comment without any regard whatsoever about whether they really were perhaps disturbed or mentally incapacitated.  Too many times I've just viewed it as someone trying to get off (whatever it was) based on a little temporary "insanity".  Heck, hard time vs. a bit of inconvenience I might consider talking about those voices in my head too.

Speaking of body talks to me.  It speaks quite clearly when I am experiencing tells me right where the pain is and how severe it is.  My body reminds me when it is time to go to the bathroom, just as it will tell me, in no uncertain terms, that it is hungry.  And when I'm tired....well let me tell addition to just telling me that it is tired and needs rest, it practically goes on strike at such times.  My eyes tell me what I see.  My ears tell me what I hear.  My nose tells me what I smell....and on, and on, and on.  My whole body speaks to me.

There are two parts of my body that speak the loudest.  One is my brain and the other is my heart.  Are you identifying with this?  It would pretty much take an act of congress to convince me that anything bad, anything at all, would be spoken to me by my heart.  It is there where my last line of defense against all that is bad lies.  It is there where all that is good in me rests, and therefore when it speaks to me...and I listen to it....I will hear only good.

My brain, however, is that part of my body which speaks the loudest.  In fact, sometimes it even shouts.  It has to, you see.  It shouts because there is a constant din up there that is trying to differentiate good from bad, sin from lofty thoughts.  It's the battleground where that voice in my heart and the voice in my head collide and I have to be very careful to listen for the right voice...that of my heart.  I can't tell you how many times I've listened to the wrong voice as it spoke to me, nor could I begin to guess how many times I've wished the voice in my brain would get laryngitis.

We listen to the body when it tells us we are in pain, hungry, cold or hot, or when we have to go potty don't we?  There are consequences if we don't, consequences we would rather not experience.  Knowing that, it makes me wonder why I don't listen to my heart more, especially since the consequences on not listening to it are the end.

Does your body speak to you?  Do you hear voices in your head?


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