Wednesday, October 22, 2014

What's new?

Here's a partial list of things we buy that are new to us.  Sometimes they are actually new-new, other times used, but new to us.
  • homes
  • cars
  • cell phones
  • computers/electronics
  • televisions/radios
  • clothes
What do most folks do when they get new stuff such as the above?  They take care of it, and maintain it.  We fix the little things on our homes and cars, we take care with our clothes avoiding permanent staining and dirt, we don't let our cell phones lay around where they will get wet, etc, etc.  Whatever it is, we take care of it because it is important to us and/or necessary for our daily living ritual of life.

We are told that as Christians, when we accept Christ and believe in God that we are made a new person, we are born again.

My question is a simple one, with perhaps a complex answer.  How well have you taken care of the new you?  What is it that you need to do to maintain that new you, and have you established a work schedule for that maintenance?  After all, the new you...regardless of when that new happened, is far more important than any house, car, or anything else is it not?

There is a distinction between new stuff and the new you (whether a recent new or a long term new).  New stuff, even though maintained and cared for, eventually gets old, and in some cases traded in, sold off, or thrown away.  Newly born people (in the context of this post) also age...but as opposed to stuff, they eventually die.  It is what happens in between that new life occurring and the death of that person that is most important to any one of us.  With proper maintenance and care, unlike stuff, we are rewarded with a life after beyond our wildest imagination.  Without such maintenance and care we aren't.

How's your maintenance program again?

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