Tuesday, October 21, 2014


Coming home from church the other day I was stopped at one of those traffic lights they throw up at bridges when there is only one lane open.  They are long lights.  L.O.N.G. !  As I sat there I was able to observe multiple flocks of geese flying....ostensibly heading south on their annual migratory trip.  It's mid October, and it is getting cold.  Now I must admit I am no fan of these geese.  Here in our part of the country we are pretty much over-run by them.  Sure, they are beautiful to look at, but they seem to reproduce astronomically, and they have absolutely no consideration for us humans when it comes to emptying their bowels.  It HAS become a problem around here.

As I was looking at these flocks I observed that the "leaders" of the vee shaped formations kept dropping back to the back of the pack, and the next one in one of the vee lines would then assume the "leader" position.  It is a neat thing to watch, because there is no interruption at all in their flying.  It is like a well orchestrated dance....and the flock keeps moving ahead steadily.  I would offer that each flock flying south is a great example of "the whole is the sum of its parts."

Our church is kind of like those flocks of migrating geese and that's why I love it so.  It's the first church I ever saw where "the whole is the sum of its parts."  There is no "head goose".  None of the "geese" at my church is any better or lesser than any other "goose".  Each "goose" has equal opportunity to be a part of the flock, and most who have been around for any length of time are indeed an integral part of the flock.  The pastors are each just another "goose" in the flock.  All of the "geese" agree on one thing....we're all broken and in need of fixing, and that is why we flock together.  And with the various roles each "goose" shares in the flock continues to fly uninterrupted.

By the way, the reason geese fly in that vee formation and periodically switch off is that they instinctively know they are all equals, and that they all share in the burden of reaching the end of their journey.  Just about like my church does church and life.

If you're at a church that makes you feel less than equal or inferior, or perhaps plays the guilt card, perhaps it is not a church where the whole is the sum of its parts.  There are churches around where the flock is comprised of geese who are equals through and through.  If I found one, you can.  When I found mine it didn't take long for me to realize how happy I can be being a goose.

Thanks Westridge CC

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