Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Hawk eyes

A few years back I had the privilege of working a construction job way, way down in southern Illinois, way out in the boonies.  Where we were was extremely rural by all accounts.  We'd work on the house during the day, then cook supper over a wood fueled grill, then just hang out until it got dark and go to bed in the cabin.  I really enjoyed those hang out times in the evenings because we got to see the hawks.  I'd seen hawks before, but never in such abundance.  We were right on the edge of a State or Federal forest (I can't remember which) so the whole area was thick with huge trees.  We'd stand on the porch of the cabin so we could watch the hawks.  They just continually soared (they were way up there in the sky) except for every once in a while when one or two would make an amazing dive toward earth.  More than once we would see one swoop down and get a rabbit or a ground squirrel in their talons, and then fly off to their roost in a tree with their prey.

Picture this....it was fall at the time, so I can only imagine that from the soaring hawks perspective one looking down would see only what looked like a massive camouflage blanket on earth.  But that would be the look to our eyes.  I can't imagine how exceptional the hawks eyesight must be to be able to spot a brown rabbit or a brown ground squirrel in that camouflage blanket perhaps several hundred feet below them.

God's eyes are like those hawk eyes.  They see everything....everything about us.  The good and the bad.  Our sin and shortcomings,  our faults, weaknesses, and temptations.  Most of us try our darndest to hide that stuff, and many of us have become quite good at it.  Face it...we hide our stuff from friends, family, and those that know us.  We want to keep it hidden, and in doing so we set ourselves up.  "Whatever is hidden cannot be loved or forgiven.  It can only bring guilt or shame." 

Back to God with those hawk eyes: 
He looks right through me...
past my sin and the state I'm in.
He sees my heart and sets me free...
to be the man I was meant to be.
That, my friends, applies to each of us on a daily basis.  He is looking right past our mess and seeing our potential as Christian men.  He's not looking at rabbits or ground squirrels.....but rather men that He loves so much that He loads us with His grace.  There just ain't a good reason anymore to play hide and seek with your "stuff" is there?  Hawk eyes already sees it.
Thanks Greg !

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