Friday, October 10, 2014

Get out of the boat

"If you feel like you're drowning in life, don't worry;  your lifeguard walks on water".

                                                                                                                           (source unknown)
Sometimes just gritting through it can make you feel like you are drowning in life....true?  So what to do? 

What's that about your lifeguard?  Yep, He who walked on water.  It was the middle of the night, stormy, the water was about 100 feet deep, and there is this guy named Jesus, walking on the water.  There were 3 guys in a boat who saw that...they were disciples and one was named Peter.  Peter got out of the boat at one point and stood on the water.  That was faith...full, uninhibited, complete faith.  And then he started to listen to his head, and he went down. 

Some might chastise him, saying he had no faith, or that no one can have the kind of faith that would enable him/her to walk on water.  Say what???  Little or no faith ???  Hey, the guy  got out of the boat !  He got out of the boat, and for a period of time stood on water.....and that is pure unadulterated faith, period and end of story.  He went down because he allowed his head to interrupt his faith. 

So how does this apply to any of us?  Every way.  We may fail, and we may falter, but if we never get out of the boat we will fail and we will falter.  And somehow I think that the more we get out of the boat, the less we will fail and falter, because our lifeguard walks on water.

When's the last time you got out of the boat?

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