Thursday, October 9, 2014

Wish I could have come up with that

I have a couple of friends who I really enjoy being around.  One can make a funny crack (simple, clean, and not sarcastic) about a situation with no effort at all.  It just comes out.  Another can spew one-liners (clean, simple, and not cruel at all) with similar ease.  They keep me in stitches constantly when with them.  I marvel at their capacity to be so very natural at it.  They in turn marvel in the fact that I write lyrics with somewhat of a natural ease.  Heck, I marvel at that too because I never would have dreamed of having that gift.

We all have gifts that can (and should) be used for Kingdom work and God's glory.  Note....we all have gifts....!  Trouble is, do we really try to discover what those gifts are and then put them to use?  What are your gifts, and how are you using them for Kingdom work and God's glory (not your glory)?

I found a copy of an article the other day that really struck me.  It was one of those things that as I read it I was thinking how I wished I could have come up with that.  I'm sure the writer was talking about him/her self, but it was so spot on true about me.  I appreciated it so much that I had a passing moment of jealousy that I hadn't been the one who wrote it.  Then realization hit....whoever wrote it has a tremendous gift for insight, discernment, and truth, along with a gift of written communication.  And obviously, by sharing it with the world, they have an understanding of using their gift for Kingdom work.  Here it is:
Hey, I don't have to be jealous.  I can really appreciate another's giftedness (as we all should), and just keep on using mine.  Do you know why?  Because God, in His infinite wisdom gave each and every one of us gifts that we can use to further His Kingdom.  And He gave us this thing called choice whereby we either take the opportunity to find them or use them or neglect them.

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