Monday, April 20, 2015

Straight Arrow

“He’s a straight arrow.” We’ve heard that before, yes? Whenever we hear someone called that, we believe him to be a straight shooter, not a liar or cheat, and a man who stays true to the course.

An arrow that is bent cannot be shot with any accuracy. They must be straight, to an exacting degree, to successfully hit their target. But, it’s not just the arrow that makes that happen. An archer or hunter is involved, and in order for the shot to hit its mark, he must pull the arrow back deliberately and straight, all the while carefully aiming and focusing on the target. The better his focus and aim, the greater his opportunity for a great shot will be.

We are all born with just one shot at life before we die. One shot, that’s it. Some of us have had do-over’s. Those do-over’s are Gods way of letting us refocus and aim once again—but we’re still on that one and only shot we have at life.

We are, therefore, both the arrow and the archer. When we are straight arrows we are assured that we will reach our target—Heaven, and as the archers we responsible for the aim and focus needed to do that. As the archer, we compensate for any dents and flaws on the imperfect arrows we are as humans.

Bottom Line Thought: Have you considered the thought that you have just the one shot at life? Are you a straight arrow to your family, friends, strangers you meet, and God?

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