Tuesday, April 28, 2015

You figure it out

A boss will sometimes be approached by an employee who has a question about a project, and will simply states “figure it out.” We do that sometimes with our kids as well—“you figure it out” Or, there is a family problem and we may say to our wife, “well, figure it out.” In those cases there are several ways one can take the response;

·         “I’m too busy and I don’t want to be bothered right now.”

·         Or, it can be an implied encouragement to do something on our own.

Either way, it becomes a guessing exercise for us. What did the person mean? Doesn’t he care? We can have all kinds of thoughts about it.

What do we do when we have some serious life questions we are trying to find answers to? They may be questions like;

·         My spiritual life is in trouble. What do I do?

·         I have questions about my relationship with God. How do I handle that?

·         I have relational issues and I don’t know what to do.

How would we like to hear “you figure it out” when we have those kind of issues facing us? There is one single source of complete help, information, inspiration, and truth available to us. It’s called the Bible. The Bible never once says “you figure it out.” what it does say over and over is “trust God.” That’s because He’s already got it all figured out. So in those times we need an answer we can go to the book, we can pray, or we can seek the counsel of a godly person we are close to. We’ll never get a “you figure it out.”

Bottom Line Thought: Do you abdicate your responsibility as a man and father by saying “you figure it out” when it isn’t necessary? Do you know where to go when you can’t figure it out?

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