Wednesday, November 6, 2019

An Unbroken Promise

Fact: God has never broken one of His promises or covenants--ever. I can't say that about myself, and I'd be very sure neither could you, or anyone, say that of themselves. Never breaking a promise is profound.

What do you think is the most frequent promise (or variation thereof) in the Bible?

"I am with you always."

If you're hurting--God is with you.
If you're lonely--God is with you.
If you're angry--God is with you.
If you're confused--God is with you.
If you're despairing--God is with you.
If you're questioning--God is with you.

Regardless of our circumstances, good or bad, happy or sad, shared or alone, or otherwise, God is with us--always. He's there whether we know it or not, whether we see it or not, and whether we want it or not. He is, simply, with us always.

Sometimes, when I am off-center, it's a nice feeling to suddenly remember that no matter what I am experiencing in that moment that God is with me. I can find comfort in that.

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