Sunday, November 10, 2019

Blindness, but not blind

I can't imagine how different my life would be were I blind. My dad went blind in later life, and he adapted well. Perhaps I would as well but for sure things would be different.

As I was thinking about that, it dawned on me that I am blind--in a way. It's not a positive thing about me. You see, all too often I have a blindness toward others and what is going on around me. Why? Because to see in those instances would require me to step away from my comfort zone, be different, meet challenges, be a difference maker, etc. I'm talking about those times when I turn a blind eye toward the challenges others may be facing, their hurts and pain, their needs, their suffering.

At those times I am not living the Jesus way, but rather I am living Joe's way.

I'm not proud of that.

Do you have a seeing problem?

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