Thursday, December 4, 2014

Broken crayons

I can still remember my first very own box of real Crayon brand crayons.  I also remember those "cheesy" brands that they tried to pass off as crayons.  And talk about status symbols amongst the kids...when someone was fortunate enough to get the great big box of real Crayons (I think it was 48 in it), whoever that kid was, was king of the block for a bit.  We didn't have much money when I was a kid, so I got the smaller boxes of Crayons. 

Every once in a while, a crayon would break wouldn't it?  If you were like me, you either tried to scotch tape it back together, or you kept the broken pieces.  Broken crayons simply didn't get tossed out.  Why?  Because they still colored.  They were still useful.  They were still good, even though they were broken.

Our lives are like crayons aren't they?  Mine sure is.  I'm broken.  Perhaps I always will be....until when that day comes.  But you know what?  I can still color !  Though broken, I can still profess my love of Christ and I can still do all that I can within me to continue to try to walk the journey as a Christian man.  That's all He asks of all of us.  He knows we are like those broken crayons.  He also knows that broken crayons can still color.  And all He asks is that we each continue to color our own little corner of the world with examples of His love and His that others can see those wonderful works of art....all from broken crayons like you and I.

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